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Hot cocao with Reishi (Ganoderma Lucidim)

Hot cocao with Reishi (Ganoderma Lucidim)

🍫 Enhancing your daily cup of coffee, tea or hot cacao to one infused with Ganoderma lucidum can help protect and defend your health and immune system.

Turn your daily cuppa into one rich with antioxidants.

🍫 Hot organically grown cacao with Reishi (Ganoderma Lucidim)

15x sachets (large)

100% organic Cacao

100% organic Ganoderma

Convenient for traveling and correct dosage per day.

🍫 Cacao Ceremonies with ceremonial cacao for sharing more love: please see our Cacao Flower Circle on the website under "Circles and Retreats"!

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