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Time is TBD


Olive Tree Farm

Single Mom and Child's Play

Are you a single mom who yearns to "jingle"? Bring those children and let's get to mingle!

Single Mom and Child's Play
Single Mom and Child's Play

Time & Location

Time is TBD

Olive Tree Farm, R560, Magaliesburg, 1739, South Africa

About the event

Another day of kicking ass, of waking up with pride. She drives herself to work, smiling at the her, she’s left behind.

Another day of dreaming, reconnecting with her soul. She spreads her wings to fly,

Peace of mind is her goal.

Another day of victories,

One foot in front of the other. She sows the seeds of paradise.

From her strength as a mother.

When the moon shines bright inside her lair,

Another day complete,

She holds her children close with care.

A single mother who doesn’t know defeat.

Her heart aches with love and joy,

As she begins to pray.

She walks an unknown path, Grateful for every single day.”

– Cassie Faerber

Are you a single mom who yearns to "jingle"? Bring those children and let's get to mingle!

As a single mom, I want to “razzle dazzle” other moms like myself with a week end filled with laughter and inspiration.

Bring your little ones along to play and come sit with us around the campfire of inspiration together with other like-minded moms. 

You do not have to do this on your own – there is a tribe waiting to welcome you. Your soul sisters who think like you and have a life like you are waiting!

Let us

  • Co-create 
  • Communicate
  • Collaborate
  • Contribute
  • Connect and
  • Celebrate together!

If the idea of a week end break with other single moms like yourself makes you jump with joy, then please come and join us for a fun filled week end of joy and relaxation.

All children under 10 are welcome.


❇️ Practical and fun “playshop” with your child, to introduce simple exercises on how to release stress and blockages in your body that will bring more flow and ease

❇️ Soul art activity (mother and child)

❇️  Guided music and movement with stereo (mother and child) - for healing, fun and connection. This will create more flow and ease in our bodies, as well as appreciation for being a mother that leads to more joy and fulfilling relationships

❇️   Guided nature walk in 250ha of pristine bushveld with wildlife. Awareness of nature instils calmness and mindfulness in children (and us)

❇️   Back and neck massage for the moms, while the children will be having fun back at the farm

❇️   2x nights in a double ensuite room for yourself and one/two kiddies

  • Friday: Dinner / braai
  • Saturday: Breakfast, picnic lunch & Dinner 
  • Sunday: Breakfast

❇️   For the kids: trampoline, swimming pool and art activity

🌾 Horse grooming workshop at an extra cost

🌾 Only limited spaces available

🌾 3x month payment plan available

Please note: these activities are not compulsory and incorporated for the enjoyment and the benefit of all.

Make sure you do not miss out this time!

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